Today, ALEBA has more than 10,000 members making it by far the largest trade union in the Luxembourg financial sector. In March 2019, during the last staff delegation elections, we won the confidence of more than 65% of the voters in the financial and related sectors, i.e. over 700 union representatives in more than 150 companies in Luxembourg. We owe this massive vote of employee confidence to open and honest trade union work carried out transparently in line with trade union policy.
Only a strong and powerful trade union, such as ALEBA, can effectively defend the interests of all employees in all sectors employed in the financial sector. In view of the many shared challenges in this sector, such as the financial crisis, restructuring measures, relocations and social plans, only a strong union, such as ALEBA, can create the necessary pressure to be effective. Supporting and joining ALEBA strengthens the trade union and allows us to better fight for and protect the interests of employees. To do this, we need your support! Supporting ALEBA helps us defend the interests of employees even more effectively in the future. But to do this, we need your support!
The ALEBA team is proud of its effective and experienced structure. Employees know that behind ALEBA there is a strong management structure and teams able to defend the interests of all employees in the financial sector in a skillful and dedicated manner. Because ALEBA has always enjoyed a large majority in the financial sector and has the status of a "representative trade union", it has the right — plus the necessary skills and determination — to negotiate collective bargaining agreements on its own, which it prides itself on doing in a responsible manner. This has always been true, so much so that even throughout the economic crisis and its onset in 2007, ALEBA fought to safeguard and even extend the social conditions of employees working in the financial sector. The 2007-2009 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for banks, which was initially only signed by ALEBA, achieved — in a very difficult economic context — salary increases of 6.7% over a period of three years! The extension of the CBA for 2010 was also supported by other trade unions in the sector. Subsequently, the 2011-2013 Bank CBA was improved, especially in terms of employee protection in the event of redundancies, thus marking a new era. An important development in the current environment and challenging economic context.
At the start of the 2014-2016 CBA negotiations, ABBL challenged every single article, resulting in what amounted to a complete overhaul of the CBA. For ALEBA and the other trade unions, this was unacceptable! Discussions could only be resumed when ABBL resigned itself to considering the 2011-2013 CBA as the basis for negotiations. Negotiations for the renewal of the 2014-2016 CBA began in early 2017 with the aim of simplifying and modernising the wording. Six months later, the social partners had not reached an agreement and decided to renew the 2014-2016 CBA by adding a rider (in 2017). The negotiations for the 2018-2020 CBA were lengthy.
The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for employees working in insurance companies closely follows the development of the CBA of Banks. It guarantees financial conditions for employees working in the insurance sector that go far beyond the legal texts. To view the new 2024-2026 Insurance CBA, please click here.
ALEBA is a non-profit association. You can consult its statutes: